Bates Family Blog
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Campbell Travel Log
So, I'm wondering . . . what did we do before vehicles? I am lucky, because I get to find out -or kind of anyway. Our car has been in the shop for 2 days, but this has been a great experience so I thought I would share with you my day and what I've learned.
5:45 Morning Run (2.0 mi)
8am Take car back to the Ford Dealership
8:30 The Ford shuttle drops me home
8:35 Put on my raincoat and walk to the doctor (1 mi)
10:00 Walk home from the doctor (1 mi)
11:00 Walk Gabi to Kindergarten with Caleb and Nora -use the backpack (.5 mi)
11:10 Walk home (.5 mi)
12:00 Phone call from Ford - car won't be ready until tomorrow, pawn firstborn to pay for it
12:20 Walk Caleb to Preschool - take the stroller (.5 mi)
12:30 Walk home - grab some peanut m&m's to reward myself (.5 mi)
2:40 Walk to pick the girls up from school - take the stroller (.5mi)
2:45 Walk to pick up Caleb from preschool (.75 mi)
3:00 Walk home with tired and ornery Campbell Kids (.5 mi)
Total foot miles: 7.75 (only a portion of what Dad runs when he's training for a marathon, and a small part of a Pioneer's day)
Advantages to not having a car:
1. You have no outside commitments - you just get to take care of yourself and your family.
2. Great Exercise.
3. More quality time with the kids.
4. No money spent on gas.
5. You develop a real appreciation for technology.
Rainy day in Southern California

I thought I would give my hand at this blogging thing. I am actually really excited, what a fun way to keep in touch with everyone. Since I just e-mailed an update from us I thought I would just share what we did today. So I was about my business cleaning this morning when I realized I had not heard the kids in awhile, this is extremely unusual (except when they are doing something they shouldn't). I immediately got irritated and started thinking of all sorts of things they could have gotten themselves into. I quietly went to find them so I could catch them in their mischief. What I found warmed my heart and put me in my place. They were just reading together. Maybe I should give my kids the benefit of the doubt! Times like that warm your heart and make you wonder if maybe you are doing something right. We also pulled out the playdough today. Sometimes a rainy day can be just great! -Afton
Monday, March 27, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
It Has Begun
The request has been made for a Bates Family blog to help us keep in touch. I hope that we can make good use of this blog. I for one love pictures and stories of my wonderful nieces and nephews. So I look forward to hearing from you all, and even if you don't feel like you have much to write, ramblings are just as fun. We all know there is always much to say in the Bates Family! Good Luck and happy posting.