Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Campbell Travel Log

So, I'm wondering . . . what did we do before vehicles? I am lucky, because I get to find out -or kind of anyway. Our car has been in the shop for 2 days, but this has been a great experience so I thought I would share with you my day and what I've learned.

5:45 Morning Run (2.0 mi)
8am Take car back to the Ford Dealership
8:30 The Ford shuttle drops me home
8:35 Put on my raincoat and walk to the doctor (1 mi)
10:00 Walk home from the doctor (1 mi)
11:00 Walk Gabi to Kindergarten with Caleb and Nora -use the backpack (.5 mi)
11:10 Walk home (.5 mi)
12:00 Phone call from Ford - car won't be ready until tomorrow, pawn firstborn to pay for it
12:20 Walk Caleb to Preschool - take the stroller (.5 mi)
12:30 Walk home - grab some peanut m&m's to reward myself (.5 mi)
2:40 Walk to pick the girls up from school - take the stroller (.5mi)
2:45 Walk to pick up Caleb from preschool (.75 mi)
3:00 Walk home with tired and ornery Campbell Kids (.5 mi)

Total foot miles: 7.75 (only a portion of what Dad runs when he's training for a marathon, and a small part of a Pioneer's day)

Advantages to not having a car:
1. You have no outside commitments - you just get to take care of yourself and your family.
2. Great Exercise.
3. More quality time with the kids.
4. No money spent on gas.
5. You develop a real appreciation for technology.


At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cass, I don't know how you do it - or any of you moms! I think life is crazy enough with just the two of us! You won't have to exercise for weeks!!!

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that is all I can say.

At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree. I have enough probably keeping track of myself!

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cass, you rule!


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